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Logo of GPL Procurement Excellence Network

An initiative of the Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab


Conversations on Procurement Excellence: Process Efficiency Roundtable

Peer Roundtable


| 1:00 pm

- 2:00 pm


Does your government experience long procurement cycle times, despite significant investments in new technologies or adjusted processes? Do key stakeholders constantly complain about lengthy or confusing procurement processes?

You are not alone! Procurement Excellence Network (PEN) members name “inefficient, complex, and burdensome procurement processes” as their most burning topic of interest.

We hosted a virtual peer roundtable to discuss process efficiency challenges and creative solutions. We tackled thorny topics impacting cycle times such as staffing capacity, purchasing thresholds, legislative review, and engagement with user departments.

We created a space for candid dialogue about process efficiency where attendees spoke openly with peers and were able to take away practical ideas to apply in their unique context.
